To develop, implement, and advocate for an equitable, sustainable, and replicable education model that improves student outcomes. In so doing, the Baltimore Curriculum Project will help to raise educational standards and opportunities for all youth in Baltimore City schools.


Learn about the BCP Education Model.


Enroll your child at a BCP school.


Help transform children’s lives.

We believe that all schools should be schools worth choosing.

Since 1996, the nonprofit BCP has improved some of Baltimore’s toughest areas and most at-risk neighborhood schools to provide an outstanding education for children, PK through 8. We were founded to transform the city’s educational landscape using innovative, research-based educational strategies, intensive teacher training and extensive support for administrators and staff, and a safe learning environment for our students.

In partnership with Baltimore City Public Schools, BCP is Maryland’s largest operator of local neighborhood, public charter schools. We support families by tailoring our resources and support through community partnerships. Among the most acclaimed charter schools in Maryland, BCP has pioneered Direct Instruction, Core Knowledge, and Restorative Practices for the Baltimore region.

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Are You Smarter Than A BCP Student? Returns May 15!
Tickets on sale now - early bird deal until March 31

I'll check this out later.