Several 8th grade historians at Hampstead Hill Academy (HHA) advanced to the state-level competition of the National History Day (NHD) competition after competing at the districtwide level on Saturday, March 1, 2025, at Patterson High School.
Six projects from the middle-school wide NHD fair at HHA earlier in February had been selected to move onto the districtwide competition. Of those six, the following projects were selected for the Maryland-level competition to be held on May 3, 2025, at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County:
Curt Flood: 8th graders Quinn McC., Aidan L., and Erick Z.
The Liberator: 8th graders Charlotte W., Fio G., Siena C., and Ana R.
Congratulations to the HHA historians! Good luck in May!
HHA and City Springs Elementary / Middle School participated in the 2025 annual nonprofit National History Day (NHD) program, a competition for 6-12th graders around the world. Students choose a topic and conduct extensive research, presenting their conclusions and evidence through a series of contests, first at the school level, then at the district, state, and national levels. Contests are judged by educators, historians, and for BCP, community partners.