The Baltimore Curriculum Project (BCP) Board of Directors met on September 12, 2024, at Pimlico Elementary / Middle School for its quarterly meeting and to continue its stewardship of the BCP mission to develop, implement, and advocate for an equitable, sustainable, and replicable education model that improves student outcomes. 

BCP Board of Directors work diligently to lead and steward BCP programs that help to raise educational standards and opportunities for all youth in Baltimore City Public Schools, our educational partner, including the six BCP neighborhood conversion charter schools.

Here are some key updates from the meeting:

As is the tradition for BCP Board meetings, one of the principals gave a presentation on his/her school. For the September 2024 meeting, Pimlico Principal Nneka Warren gave an overview of what is happening at Pimlico. Principal Warren reported that Baltimore City Public School CEO Dr. Sonja Santelises visited the school in early September and had very positive things to say about the school’s climate and teaching and learning she observed. SY24-25 also marks Pimlico’s fourth year as a conversion charter school with BCP. This spring Pimlico will begin the charter renewal process, which includes a School Effectiveness Review (SER). Principal Warren shared facility improvements including plans to build a football field. Pimlico will also continue its partnership with LifeBridge Health and Sinai Hospital with its Middle School Health Sciences program

SY25 enrollment is stable at all BCP schools, with schools approaching, meeting, or exceeding the projections from last winter. Due to our conversion charter school model that enrolls all students living in the neighborhood zone, enrollment this September will fluctuate as families transition in and out of housing. For example, as the new Perkins Homes development comes online, and families return to the neighborhood, City Springs anticipates a rise in enrollment.

Learn more about the connection between school enrollment and funding in BCP Chief of Schools Harold S. Henry Jr.’s recent BCP blog post.

This fall marks the final step in the charter renewal process for three of our schools: Govans Elementary School, City Springs; and Frederick Elementary School. All renewal applications have been submitted to Baltimore City Public Schools. The review process takes several months, and recommendations will  be released later this fall with a final vote by the Board of School Commissioners in January 2025. 

Other updates shared included:

Annual NIFDI conference in Oregon for Direct Instruction with BCP receiving two awards at the annual NIFDI conference:

  • 2024 Winner of NIFDI’s Wesley Becker Excellent School Award: Hampstead Hill Academy
  • 2024 Siegfried Englemann Excellence in Education Award winner: Kate Walsh-Little, Govans Teacher and Librarian

Several summer facility upgrades to BCP schools, including two new murals:

  • Wolfe Street Academy parent and artist Jessy DeSantis created an outdoor mural on the WSA playground honoring the community. The WSA student, teacher, and family community will complete the mural together by painting a North American Hummingbird in late September. Watch the great coverage from WMAR 2 News and stay tuned for more in October. 
  • Young women in Pimlico’s summer program with H.E.R. Mentoring created a lively, inspiring mural in the lower level hallway. 

Hampstead Hill Academy’s expansion is moving along as scheduled, on budget and on time. The expanded section of the building (classrooms, new gym, bathrooms) are expected to be open later this spring. Fundraising has begun for the new HHA playground. If interested in learning more about funding the needed playground for the school and great South Baltimore community, please contact Brianna Kaufman, Director of Development, at

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