City Springs Elementary/ Middle School

Neighborhood/Enrollment Zone

City Springs Elementary/Middle serves its neighborhood zone (21231) which includes the Jonestown, Little Italy, and Inner Harbor neighborhoods. Any child living or moving into the neighborhood may enroll at any time, without participating in a lottery. If you live in this zone, call or email the school to enroll.

If you live out of the zone, you can still apply to enroll your child at City Springs. If there are no vacancies at the time, students can be added to a waitlist or upcoming lottery.

Charter Status

City Springs Elementary/Middle converted to a neighborhood charter school in 2005. During its last renewal in 2022, the Board of School Commissioners approved to renew City Springs’ charter for three years. City Springs is in the last year of our current contract term with Baltimore City Schools. In January 2025, the Baltimore City School Board of Commissioners will vote on a new contract renewal term for BCP to operate City Springs. The contract terms are 3, 5, or 8 years.

What’s after City Springs?

High schools are not zoned by home address like elementary schools are in Baltimore City, therefore students go through the High School Choice process in January of their eighth grade year. Students who have attended City Springs have gone to high schools in the surrounding area such as Paul Laurence Dunbar, Patterson High School, and Digital Harbor. The school choice liaison at City Springs will help guide families through this process.

City Springs Elementary/Middle School # 008

100 S. Caroline Street
Baltimore, MD  21231
Phone Number: 410-396-9165

Grades served: Pre-K-8
Principal: Rhonda Richetta

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City Springs & One Book Baltimore

City Springs & One Book Baltimore

In 2018, a group of Baltimore librarians and educators, including Wyatt Oroke, City Springs Elementary / Middle School, founded One Book Baltimore in collaboration with Baltimore City Public...

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About the Baltimore Curriculum Project

Baltimore Curriculum Project (BCP) is the largest operator of local neighborhood, public charter schools in Maryland. We create safe, supportive learning environments for children PK-8 by providing innovative, research-based educational strategies, intensive teacher training and extensive support for administration and staff. We support our local neighborhood needs by tailoring our resources and support through community partnerships.

As one of the longest-running charter operators in Maryland, our schools are regularly recognized as some of the most highly acclaimed neighborhood charter schools in the state. 

Pimlico Elementary / Middle School

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