Pimlico Elementary / Middle School
Neighborhood/Enrollment Zone
Pimlico Elementary/Middle serves its neighborhood zone (21215) which includes the Cylburn, Central Park Heights, and Lucille Park neighborhoods. Any child living or moving into the neighborhood may enroll at any time, without participating in a lottery. If you live in this zone, call or email the school to enroll.
If you live out of the zone, you can still apply to enroll your child at Pimlico Elementary/Middle. If there are no vacancies at the time, students can be added to a waitlist or upcoming lottery.
Charter Status
The Board of School Commissioners approved Pimlico Elementary/Middle conversion to a neighborhood charter school in 2021. Its next renewal will be in 2026.
What’s after Pimlico?
High schools are not zoned by home address like elementary schools are in Baltimore City, therefore students will go through the High School Choice process in January of their eighth grade year. Many of our students go on to Baltimore’s best city-wide high schools like Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, City College, and Western. Many of them are accepted in the competitive Ingenuity Program and private schools as well. The school choice liaison at Pimlico will help guide families through this process.
Pimlico Elementary/Middle# 223
4849 Pimlico Road
Baltimore, MD 21215
Phone Number: 410-396-0876
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