Wolfe Street Academy

Neighborhood/Enrollment Zone

Wolfe Street Academy serves its neighborhood zone (21231) which includes the Upper Fells Point and Fells Point neighborhoods. Any child living or moving into the neighborhood may enroll at any time, without participating in a lottery. If you live in this zone, call or email the school to enroll.

If you live out of the zone, you can still apply to enroll your child at Wolfe Street Academy. If there are no vacancies at the time, students can be added to a waitlist or upcoming lottery.

Charter Status

Wolfe Street Academy converted to a neighborhood charter school in 2007. During its last renewal in 2020, the Board of School Commissioners approved to renew Wolfe Street’s charter for eight years. Its next renewal will be in 2028.

What’s after Wolfe Street?

Wolfe Street Academy is a feeder school for Commodore John Rodgers Elementary/Middle School #27. Therefore, students at Wolfe will automatically be enrolled at Commodore John Rodgers unless families choose to participate in Middle School Choice. The school choice liaison at Wolfe will help guide families through this process.

Wolfe Street Academy #023

245 S. Wolfe Street
Baltimore, MD 21231
Phone Number: 410-396-1066

Grades served: Pre-K-5
Principal: Mark Gaither

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