How BCP Helps Students With School Choice and Next Steps
School choice for middle and high school students in Baltimore City Public Schools (City Schools) is designed to provide families with options and flexibility in selecting the educational environment that best meets the needs and preferences of their children. City...
The Value of the Baltimore Curriculum Project Model for Families & Neighborhoods
Baltimore Curriculum Project (BCP) schools are neighborhood conversion charter public schools using the community school model. That’s a lot to say. What does it mean for our students, faculty and staff, and parents – and the Baltimore neighborhoods where our six BCP...
Community Partner Spotlight: LETS GO Boys and Girls
Our success, and the success of our students, faculty/staff, and parents is due in large part to the commitment of Baltimore Curriculum Project (BCP) partners, including our overarching partner, Baltimore City Public Schools. This month, we introduce you to LETS GO...
Community Partner Spotlight: Bridges
Our partners play a significant role in our ability to meet our mission. Each partner, especially our overarching partner, Baltimore City Public Schools, is integral to the success of the BCP family of students, faculty/staff, and parents. This month, we’re...