BCP Grads Going Places: Samiya Thomas, Govans Elementary School
GOVANS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, CLASS OF 2020 Attended Pre-K-5th Grade FAVORITE ACTIVITY AT GOVANS: Serving as a mentor with Diamond Girls, Govans’ mentoring program: “I loved being part of the Diamond Girls. It really helped me a lot, especially going into an all-girls...
City Springs & Govans Receive MSDE Grant for Afterschool Programs
Research has shown that high-quality afterschool programs have a positive impact on students’ educational outcomes, school attendance and social and emotional learning. Further, regular participation in these programs has been linked to lower dropout rates and a...
Community School Coordinator Month: Meet Sandi McFadden, Govans Elementary School
September celebrates Community School Coordinators, the professionals at community schools who lead and implement each school’s unique wraparound services for the students and their families and the neighborhoods in which the schools are located. Each of the six...
Storytime With Govie
Storytime With Govie, a recruitment event hosted by Govans Elementary School for families with children aged three to five in the Govans neighborhood, was a huge success. Held on August 15, the first-ever event was designed to introduce neighborhood families with...