Meet the BCP Board
Meet the Board: Victor Abiamiri
This month, we profile Baltimore Curriculum Project (BCP) board member Victor Abiamiri, partner and portfolio manager at Brown Advisory and former NFL lineman. He has been serving on the BCP board since 2015. Q: What does it mean to you to serve on the BCP board? ...
Meet the BCP Board: Anne Perkins
Anne Perkins, a founding board member of the Baltimore Curriculum Project (BCP) was invited by founding board chair George Hess to join the Board in 1996 when BCP began. She knew that serving BCP was a perfect fit– she’s an attorney and served 14 years as a member of...
Meet the BCP Board: Rob Sharps
Robert Sharps joined the Baltimore Curriculum Project board in September 2021 for a simple reason: he was asked. His friend, BCP board co-chair Mike Niccolini, tapped Rob, who is chief executive officer and president of T. Rowe Price Group, Inc., for...