What’s Happening In Our Schools

What’s Happening at BCP Schools? Fall Field Trips!

What’s Happening at BCP Schools? Fall Field Trips!

Several schools planned great field trips for learning enrichment, cultural connections, new adventures, and fun. Here are a few of the experiential learning opportunities the students at Baltimore Curriculum Project (BCP) schools enjoyed this fall. City Springs...

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What’s Happening at BCP? Middle School Sports

What’s Happening at BCP? Middle School Sports

Offering a robust array of athletic opportunities is an essential part of the Baltimore Curriculum Project (BCP) middle school experience. Our sports offerings give students real-world practice in character, resilience, team-building, collaboration, and...

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What’s Happening at BCP: Back to School

What’s Happening at BCP: Back to School

It’s been a great beginning to the 2024-2025 school year for our Baltimore Curriculum Project (BCP) schools!FIRST DAY PHOTO GALLERYOur Community Coordinators at each BCP school organized robust back-to-school events to support our students and families and ensure that...

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What’s Happening In BCP Schools: Holiday Fun!

What’s Happening In BCP Schools: Holiday Fun!

December is a joyous month at Baltimore Curriculum Project (BCP) schools with students, teachers, and staff sharing the month’s celebrations and embracing the joy of the season. It was a fun, festive month, from holiday performances, field trips, special visitors and...

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What’s Happening at BCP Schools: A new school year begins

What’s Happening at BCP Schools: A new school year begins

Happy students, excited teachers, and grateful parents started the 2023-24 school year with smiles, handshakes, and high fives at each of our Baltimore Curriculum Project (BCP) schools.  Everyone is ready for a great, successful year of learning, achievement, and joy....

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What’s Happening in Our Schools: Halloween Fun!

What’s Happening in Our Schools: Halloween Fun!

Things got a little spooky in October as our Baltimore Curriculum Project (BCP) schools celebrated Halloween and fall activities in and out of the classroom.  On October 31, Pimlico Elementary / Middle School had a special Halloween visitor with Mayor Brandon Scott...

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What’s Happening at BCP Schools: End-of-Year Celebrations

What’s Happening at BCP Schools: End-of-Year Celebrations

We’re very proud of all our students and everything they’ve accomplished during the 2023-2024 school year. Earlier this month, we celebrated our 5th and 8th grade students and their exciting, next educational steps and all that Baltimore Curriculum Project students,...

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What’s Happening in Our Schools

What’s Happening in Our Schools

We celebrated all sorts of seasonal fun this month, capped off with the grand finale-- Halloween!  From field trips to costume parades, each of our six schools provided unique opportunities for students to embrace the spirit of the season and create lasting memories....

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What’s Happening in BCP Schools

What’s Happening in BCP Schools

Summer is a busy time in the Baltimore Curriculum Project network of neighborhood conversion charter schools. Each school offers free, full-day academic-based summer programs to continue the learning and provide fun enrichment activities.Wolfe Street Academy's Summer...

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